

Leading in Cannabis Recall Prevention​

In recent years, the cannabis industry has faced a significant challenge: product recalls. Triggered by reasons ranging from contamination to regulatory non-compliance, these recalls not only impact consumer trust but also reflect on the industry’s commitment to safety and quality.

The Underlying Causes of Cannabis Recalls

Using Colorado as a model state, it’s evident that rigorous safety standards, especially concerning the testing for microbial contaminants such as Aspergillus, play a crucial role in safeguarding consumer health in the cannabis industry. The state’s proactive stance, as demonstrated by the recent recall on February 15, 2024, involving products from Melody and Company Management LLC due to high levels of Total Yeast and Mold and Aspergillus, serves as a compelling example. This incident highlights the significance of implementing stringent testing protocols and quality control measures. Colorado’s approach provides valuable insights for other regions aiming to ensure the safety and integrity of cannabis products, emphasizing the importance of meticulous regulatory oversight and industry compliance to protect consumers from potential health risks associated with contaminated cannabis.

The following 15 states have presented cannabis recall data: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. The state reports highlight an increasing trend in cannabis product recalls over the years, with significant attention to pesticide contamination, mold, and yeast issues.


These recalls can be traced back to various sources:

Cultivation Practices: Issues at the cultivation stage, including the use of certain pesticides or inadequate growing conditions, can lead to contamination.

Processing Errors: Contamination can occur during extraction or packaging processes.

Laboratory Testing Inconsistencies: Variability in testing methodologies among labs can lead to inconsistent quality and safety assessments.

Regulatory Challenges: The evolving and often stringent state regulations can catch producers off-guard, leading to non-compliance and subsequent recalls.

The Role of State Regulators

State regulators play a pivotal role in overseeing cannabis safety. For example, the Arizona State Health Laboratory’s Compliance Team conducts annual inspections and audits on cannabis products, ensuring adherence to safety standards. When discrepancies are detected, a thorough investigation ensues, often leading to recalls if contamination is confirmed. 


Nova Analytic Lab’s Proactive Approach to Quality and Safety

At Nova Analytic Labs we recognize the critical importance of preventing recalls. Our approach is rooted in rigorous and comprehensive testing protocols that exceed industry standards. Unlike some laboratories that may prioritize passing samples, Nova Analytic Labs focuses on accuracy and thoroughness, aiming to identify potential issues before they escalate to recall levels.

Innovative Testing Methods:

We employ state-of-the-art testing methods to detect a wide array of contaminants, ensuring that every product we certify is safe for consumption. Our focus is not just on compliance, but on leading the industry towards higher standards of product safety.

Educating Stakeholders:

Beyond testing, Nova Analytic Labs actively engages in educating cultivators, processors, and retailers about best practices in cultivation, processing, and handling. This educational approach helps in mitigating risks at every stage of the cannabis production cycle.

Building Consumer Trust:

By maintaining stringent testing standards, Nova Analytic Labs aims to build and sustain consumer trust in cannabis products. Our commitment to safety and quality resonates with consumers who are increasingly aware and concerned about the products they consume.

The Way Forward: Raising Industry Standards

The cannabis industry stands at a crossroads where consumer safety and regulatory compliance are paramount. Companies like Nova Analytic Labs are leading the way in establishing new benchmarks for quality and safety. As the industry continues to evolve, it is imperative that all stakeholders — from cultivators to laboratories — collaborate to ensure that cannabis products are not only compliant but also safe and of the highest quality. This collective effort will be crucial in minimizing recalls and upholding the industry’s reputation.